As we mentioned in our last blog post, Powamuya is celebrated during the month of February and includes a visit from the Hopi chiefs Eototo, Aholi and Ahola. One of the most important parts of Powamuya is the Bean Dance.
A coming of age ceremony for Hopi children, young men are initiated into the tribe during the Bean Dance by being tasked with the responsibility for growing beans in the kiva, a sacred chamber used during ceremonies. This ceremony displays an eagerness for the growing season to return and is matched with prayers for water and food that Eototo and his lieutenant Aholi have provided the village.
Powamuya lasts between nine and sixteen days, and it is later during the ceremonial period that Katsinam present the bean sprouts that have begun to grow under the care of the young men being initiated. After the beans are displayed a line of Katsinam travel through the village bringing gifts, talking to the children, and teaching them the ways of the Katsinam.
A serious yet joyful time, Powamuya prepares the Hopi people for a prosperous growing season while teaching children the Hopi ways and initiating them into the Katsina society.
Along with Eototo, Aholi, Ahola and other Katsinam, the Bean Katsina appears during Powamuya. Also called Muzribi, he helps the beans to grow and participates in other ceremonies throughout the Katsina season.
Home to a wide variety of Native American arts and crafts, Kachina House has a large selection of Hopi Katsina dolls. Visit us online or at our Sedona, Arizona showroom to view these incredible pieces of art and find the right piece to add to your collection.
Hi, can you tell me how much are your dolls , and the price of a man’s ring ? size 10.5 thank you [email protected]
Dear David
We have so many pieces of jewelry in the shop and so many come and go quickly. Give me an idea of the price range you are looking at and if you like large stones or just silverwork. For the Katsinam, the Hopi range from $150 up to $9,000. The Navajo Kachinas start at $12.00 and go up to as much as $900