Dreams are significant to Native American cultures as they open new worlds beyond a normal comprehension of reality. Once dream realms are opened, dreamwalkers work within them to heal, teach, and unite with elder hearts. The ways in which dreamwalkers enter these worlds are very fascinating.
Shaman Ritual
Shamanism is practiced all over the globe, not just within Native American culture. But for tribal people, the Shaman is a healer with unmatched capability. They use their special powers to combine natural and supernatural forces of the earth to protect their people.
To understand the collective unconscious, modern-day practitioners of Shaman ritual walk through dreams using vision quest, drumming and chanting. The Shaman is able to pass in between the present and future to connect a chain of events.
Vision Quest
A key component of the vision quest healers embark on to explore dreams is meditation. The healer traditionally finds a place in the wilderness to begin this journey, isolating themselves from distraction, and planting themselves in a 10-foot circle marking the beginning of their quest.
Meditation brings the individual to the present moment, stopping all wandering thoughts and focusing on the actual vision awakening them. In certain Native American cultures, the vision quest may include a fasting ritual in which the individual must go days without food or water.
After the quest is concluded, the seeker finds evidence in a rock, feather, or some other natural relic significant to their vision. This experience is deeply personal, while at the same time taking the individual out of the physical body.
Learn more about spiritual wisdom, rituals, and more by browsing Kachina House and our extensive collection of Native American books!
I was very sick and almost died two years ago. I had serval visions that I told my wife about and I have no memory of them.
First one I had a spirit horse that was stuck in the mud and I had to pull him out. 2nd one, I had several native Americans praying for me. They were dancing around a fire. 3rd, I was in a cave and I was telling my wife in detail about the painting on the wall. Then the Indian was taking me to the other side, he said it was a shortcut. My wife said she was telling me not to go with him and to come back to her. She said I was arguing with her telling her it would be OK if I went with him.
An interesting vision. The spirit horse is most likely you….the Native Americans might be guardians from the spirit world who watch out for you…..the painting on the wall could be your life story and you were telling your wife about your life/lives….the Indian taking you to the shortcut and your wife telling you not to go was what is commonly called a portal where you can choose whether to return to earth or to move to the next realm. I would certainly look into it through a spiritual guide…one that knows the akashic records and is highly regarded. Best of luck in your quest.
Thanks you Patty
I had a dream that a chief or Sharman came to me in a swirl of water he said i must to devils rock to see the truth then he waived his hand a swirl of water appeared and he walked through it then i woke up does anyone have a clue about this
I have no idea how many different answers you would get regarding your question. If you are interested there is a woman in Sedona, Amanda Romania…she is amazing. Her website is https://www.atlantissedona.com/
She might be able to give you a window into what your dream means.
Devil’s Rock (also known as Devils Rock and Mani-doo Aja-bikong[1]) is a granite escarpment located 5 kilometres (3 mi) south of Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada. The cliffs rise 300 feet (91 m) above Lake Timiskaming and extend nearly as far underwater as they do above, giving Devil’s Rock a cliff face roughly 600 feet (180 m) tall.[2]
Interesting…thanks for sharing.
I have been sick recently with a brain tumor near my pituitary gland which has since been removed and a rare form of CLL. I just went off Thyroid medication because it was making me so sick. I see an amazing acupuncturist regularly which I did today. Today during my session an Indian which as appeared to me before during a Reiki session, appeared again. He was on a hill on his horse. He watched me for a long time then he and his horse turned around and trotted off. The I was at the water, a river with my wife. We had a canoe we wanted to put in the water and were laughing about who would sit in the front and who would sit in the rear—the rear being who controlled the canoe. I finally smile and told my wife she could sit in the back…..
I am guessing that the Indian you are seeing on horseback is your guide. He has most likely been with you your entire life. Sometimes when we are at our weakest is when we can see the people that are watching out for us. Rest and recover.
I’ve had dreams where my guide clap dance would put me thru rituals. One was dying and it was amazing. After that dream I decided to be a hospice nurse. Clap dance put me thru a lot of ceremonies. Once, my spirit guide came to me and clap dance said we were very close so we went thru ceremony where he turned us both into smoke and we merged as one. I also had dream where I could take stars from sky snd put them in different positions. Another dream I met a grandmother in a tree and danced in a tree. Such wonderful dreams.
I also had a dream of being a molecule in a drop of water going over a waterfall and a sun beam and also a molecule in wind and then being part of the wind. It was a glorious feeling!
I grew up in a tribal part of Minnesota, and throughout my childhood on our property had a reoccurring dream of many native Americans trying to show me a giant hole just inside the treeline, and they’d be dancing around it and crying and angry and trying to communicate to me – or at least show it to me, help me be part of their anger/suffering. Almost 20+ years late, I mentioned this reoccurring dream to me parents and they both turned ghost white – they said when they bought the property before I was born, they had filled in a giant hole on the land right where I’d dreamed it. As I got older and when we moved, the dream stopped sadly. I’ve had intense dreams my whole life, mostly bad, and I weirdly miss that dream from my childhood.