Native American Smudging CeremonyBurning aromatic plants for spiritual enrichment is an important part of Native American culture and the tribal relationship with the spiritual world. Sage, one of the most common sacred herbs used in blessings, has the power to cleanse and heal, washing away bad influences from the body. Smoke burned from sacred plants is believed to bind itself to negative energy and whisk it away to another realm. It also can prepare an area for prayer, keeping bad spirits from entering during ceremonies.

Herbs like Sage are used to perform blessings and to send messages to the spiritual world. After being lit, the herbs are burned in an Abalone Shell, which represents the water that enabled it to grow. As smoke rises from the shell, it is gently brushed, or “smudged,” over the bodies of those who are receiving the blessing with a bird’s feather. It’s important to use the underside of the prayer feather for smudging, as that is the side that faces Mother Earth in flight, offering the bird’s blessing. Pahos, or prayer sticks, also may be used. A prayer accompanies smudging to enhance its purification. The desired effect is akin to taking a shower or bath, washing away unwanted elements.

The direction of smudging is particularly important, with each direction welcoming different elements and spirits. East represents the rising Sun, revealing light and the Soaring Eagle, the West brings the Bear spirit, which heals one from within. From the North comes the Buffalo spirit of wisdom and generosity of elders, and from the South the Coyote spirit of service through action to family. Looking up, smudging welcomes Father Sky and masculine energy, while looking down welcomes Mother Earth and feminine spirits. Finally, one may smudge smoke over the heart to bring balance and spiritual connection to others from within.

One can use smudging to cleanse objects, or even an entire room, in the same way. The practice has become popular among modern spiritualists, who apply smudging to modern tasks such as purifying a new car or preparing for work at a new job. If you decide to practice smudging at home, be sure to do it in an open or well-ventilated area that will allow the smoke and negative energy to escape.