Thank you for visiting our blog! We are excited to keep you updated on Kachina House’s various Native American treasuers, as well as to inform you of the history behind each of our beautiful cultural products and artifacts.

Keep in mind that, when you purchase an item from Kachina House, you contribute to Native American culture. Our Hopi Katsina dolls, for example, have been crafted by Native American artisans. Furthermore, by purchasing such a product, you help us to spread and pass on our various traditions. You keep a genuine Native American aesthetic, which you can share with your children, friends and whoever else might come by.

Many people embrace different cultures in order to call upon their own heritage and many people even embrace other ancestries, which signifies a deep appreciation for the heritage of others. When a non-Irish, Scottish or Welsh individual attends a Celtic festival, the person recognizes that importance of Celtic culture on history and modern daily life. Similarly, when a non-Native American adorns his or her house with Native American artifacts and various crafts, the person acknowledges the impact of Native American culture on the development of modern America.

So, help to preserve the culture that this land was originally built on and take a look through Kachina House. Also, keep updated on our blog, as we will post about specific products and other relevant news.