Kachina House carries a very wide variety of jewelry. But you’ll notice very quickly, if you browse through our selection, that we have a large selection of turquoise jewelry pieces.

Turquoise is a very interesting mineral. It varies quite a lot between samples, so each piece has a uniqueness that a lot of gemstones can’t offer.

If, for example, you go to a jewelry store and buy a diamond, sapphire or emerald pendant, there’s a good chance that another individual could go into the same store the next day and get the same pendant. While it’s not necessarily a bad thing to have a piece that lacks uniqueness, there’s something special about having a one-of-a-kind necklace, bracelet, ring or pair of earrings.

For this, look at our turquoise pieces. No stone is identical to another, so you are sure to have a unique piece. While the prominent color in turquoise is a greenish-blue or teal color, you’ll also find reds, silvers and other colors throughout the stones.

The pieces themselves are usually made from classic sterling silver, which can go with any outfit or dress. You’ll see in our selection jewelry that ranges from classic to modern, all reflecting the Native American roots of the jewelers and artists behind the pieces.

Let us know if you have any questions!