Native American pottery pieces are historically and aesthetically pleasing in any home, especially unique works of art like horse hair pottery and railroad jewelry. We previously posted on the intriguing history behind railroad jewelry, and now it’s time to venture into horse hair pottery.

Horsehair Pottery                               Horsehair Pottery

What is horse hair pottery?

These funky little vases and ceramics consist of the usual pottery supplies and, you guessed it, horsehair. Native Americans create these beautiful works of art by applying the horsehair by hand. The artist will use various thick strands from the main and tail, twisting the hair to create an original and impressively unique ceramic. Moreover, these pieces of pottery make wonderful gifts for the equestrian enthusiasts you know and love!

Why are these pots unique?

The artist will partially fire the pot and then remove it. At this point, the potter will use real horsehair from the mane and tail of horse. When the pot is spinning, and the horsehair wraps around out, it creates the look in random lines throughout the pot. This means each creation is an original, never to be duplicated. Surrounded by so many tangibles that come mass-produced, it’s nice to recognize and cherish an original work of art.

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