Native American bow & arrow

For the Native American people, the bow and arrow was a means of survival. They were able not only to use their weapons to obtain food, but also for surviving through conflicts with opposing tribes and others.


Typically, the Native Americans would fashion their bow from a flexible strip of wood, bone, or horn. A cord of sinew was attached on both ends to provide tension. Due to the intricate nature of Native American bows, each one took over a month to create. Over time, various styles were created based on tribes and individual bow makers. A great bow and arrow set would enable hunters to accurately shoot their arrows long distances with ease and finesse. An expert marksman was able to make a shot with his arrow every 4 seconds at a range of 200 yards.


When creating arrows, the arrowhead was typically made from a sharpened stone or bone. The blade was carefully hand crafted to be aerodynamic and sharp. Usually arrows were fired from horseback, meaning they needed to be incredibly accurate and easily transportable. Some arrows were designed to be compact and easy to access while other arrows were designed for maximum damage.


Beyond their functionality, bows and arrows were also used to symbolize friendship and peace between tribes. Native Americans would ceremoniously decorate their homes and public areas with a bow and two crossed arrows. To all tribes, this symbolized a desire for peace. If the bow and arrows were hung separately outside of the home, the warrior was ready for conflict. In addition, many bow and arrow sets were decorated with symbolic items such as Dreamcatchers for added protection.


At Kachina House, we have a series of Native American made bow and arrow sets. To see our selection, stop into our Sedona, Arizona store or place an order through our website.