As the Katsina season closes in on the final few weeks of ceremonies, the Hopi people celebrate Wuko’uyis during the month of June. This is an important time for botany, food growth, and most importantly, the time to plant corn. The corn must receive a blessing of rain, which will promote growth, affording healthy, mature corn.

During this month the Hopi people gather for planting in larger corn fields, ceremonial dances are held in the Kivas, and the celebrations last all month. Those who live close to the Kiva claim to hear the sounds of Katsina songs in the night.

Through the season, Katsinam appear throughout the villages, sometimes simultaneously. This spreads excitement from one village to the next as the Hopi anticipate the celebration and dancing. At Sunrise on the first day of the dance Katsinam appear, heading into the plaza and distributing gifts of food, which act as a prayer for a successful harvest.

This is a period of great celebration including elaborate ceremonies and dances as the Hopi hope and prepare for the season’s harvest.